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Blazor & SQLite - Auth POC

Posted on:Jan 10, 2022 |Your Image3 Mins| Tech
  •  dotnet
  •  blazor
  •  sqlite
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    Blazor🡕 is a open-source SPA web framework developed by Microsoft that helps developers to build web apps using C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor is a feature from existing ASP.NET framework and this enables possibility for .NET C# developer to build Modern webapps by using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries.

    Blazor App

    Blazor app hosting option


    SQLite🡕 is a server-less database and is self-contained. This is also referred to as an embedded database which means the DB engine runs as a part of the app. This is a great tool to set up quick development POCs within no time that requires database interaction. Very handy especially when we don’t have SQL server handy. You could also install SQLite extension for Visual Studio.



    Please feel free to refer the github repository🡕


    In this proof-of-concept (POC), we have learned the process of setting up a Blazor server application and configuring a SQLite database to be used for individual user Microsoft Identity. The User Identity feature can be extended and customized according to specific requirements, and I plan to document these details in separate upcoming blog posts.

    Good luck, and keep Learning!!