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Getting Started with Optimizely SaaS using Next.js Starter App - Deployment to Vercel

Posted on:Jul 17, 2024 |Your Image10 Mins| Tech
  •  optimizely
  •  cms
  •  vercel
  •  poc
  •  nextjs
  • optimizely saas

    In this getting Started with Optimizely proof-of-concept (POC) blog series, I will walk you through the steps to get started with Optimizely SaaS using a Next.js starter app and deploy it to Vercel. This guide assumes you have access to the SaaS version of Optimizely CMS, a Vercel account, and a GitHub account.


    1. Access to Optimizely SaaS Beta | Sign up for Optimizely SaaS Beta🡕
    2. Vercel Hobby Account | Sign up for Vercel Hobby Account🡕
    3. GitHub account | Sign up for GitHub🡕

    Step 1: Import Sample Data in Optimizely SaaS

    1. Log in to Optimizely SaaS: Use your Opti ID to log in to the Optimizely CMS.
    2. Import Sample Data:
      • Downlaod the sample “Mosey Bank” data and import it.
      • Navigate to Settings > Import Data > Choose File.
      • Choose Root path under content tree.
      • Click Begin Import.

    optimizely saas

    Step 2: Generate a Graph Token

    Step 3: Clone the Repository and Deploy to Vercel

    Environment Variable

    optimizely saas

    Once the deployment is successful, your sample starter Mosey Bank website should be up & running, rendering data from Opti SaaS. optimizely saas

    Step 4: Configure the visual editor in CMS

    Step 5: Verify the Deployment 🎉

    optimizely saas


    By following these steps, you have successfully set up an Optimizely SaaS environment, imported sample data, and deployed a Next.js starter app to Vercel. You can now explore and customize the application further to suit your needs. In the next part, we will explore how to configure local environgment, make content edits, extend a component to test the IRS & feature deployments in vercel.


    Special thanks to Remko and Patrick for their valuable contributions & documentation.